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SASS Customization

From version 0.17.0, this module will configure Nuxt to use the new SASS modern compiler (modern-compiler). You don't need to change anything in your configuration to use it:

  • update vite version to v5.4.0 or higher (if you're using Nuxt 3.12.4 or higher, you don't need to update vite)
  • replace your sass dependency with sass-embedded

If the sass-embedded dependency is not installed, the module will configure the modern compiler for you. In case you get errors, enable the disableModernSassCompiler option in the module configuration to fall back to the legacy compiler.

Check Build Performance in Vuetify docs for more details.

Overriding SASS Variables

Vuetify allows for overriding global and component-level SASS variables. Setting these up requires configuration that is slightly different from the Vuetify documentation while using this Nuxt module.

  1. In your styles directory (for this example, we'll use ${srcDir}/assets/css), create two files - ${srcDir}/assets/css/globals.scss and ${srcDir}/assets/css/settings.scss

  2. In the globals.scss file, we'll want to add

@use 'vuetify' with (
    // Global Vuetify SASS variable overrides.  For example:
    // $utilities: false,
    // $reset: false,
    // $color-pack: false,
    // $body-font-family: sans-serif
  1. In the settings.scss file, we'll want to add
// $button-text-transform-override: capitalize;

@forward 'vuetify/settings' with (
    // Component Vuetify SASS variable overrides.  See

    // For example -- overriding button font capitalization (as seen at the bottom of the v-btn guide here
    // $button-text-transform: $button-text-transform-override,
  1. In your nuxt.config.ts, add a css entry to the defineNuxtConfig configuration object that points to globals.scss like so:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  css: ['@/assets/css/globals.scss']
  // other options


The css property within your defineNuxtConfig will import all styles from the file that you specify (in our case, globals.scss) into all components for convenience. Any styles appended to the globals.scss file in addition to the Vuetify Global Variables override will also be imported into all of your components. If you would like more fine-grained control, consider using a different file for your non-Vuetify global styles, like a separate main.scss that you import on a component-by-component basis.

  1. Again in your nuxt.config.ts, under the Vuetify module options, disable the Vuetify Styles import for components and instead import the settings.scss override file:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  css: ['@/assets/css/globals.scss'],
  vuetify: {
    moduleOptions: {
      /* module specific options */
      /* */
      disableVuetifyStyles: true,
      styles: {
        configFile: '@/assets/css/settings.scss'
  // other options

You should now be able to override your global Vuetify SASS variables as well as your component-level Vuetify SASS variables. For a full list of variables, check out all of the imports in the index.

Released under the MIT License.